I am using this proximity sensor with a raspberry pi. the sensor outputs a 24V signal when triggered, which I need to step down to 3.3V using a voltage divider so as to not blow out the pi. The datasheet shows that I need a pull-up resistor between the output signal and the 24V power, but I'm wondering how this would change the calculations for figuring out the right resistor values to use.
Not considering the pull up resistor, I'd pick 100ohm for R15 and 680ohm for R14 but I'm not sure how to factor in the pull up resistor (would it change the values or R14 and R15?) or how to find the right value for it.
pull-up resistor between the output signal and the 24V power
... try putting the pullup resistor between the output signal and 3.3 V instead \$\endgroup\$