I am making a simple water level alarm connected to my V2 NodeMCU. Using the principle of water conductivity.
Two wires with stripped ends are dipped into the tank. As soon as the water level reaches a certain height, the alarm starts buzzing as the circuit gets completed.
Instead of the buzzer, I need a Blynk notification. Can I do the following:
- Power a wire with 5V dc supply and dip one end of this wire in water.
- Take a second wire and also dip one end of this wire in water close to 1st one.
- Plug another end of second wire in D6 pin on NodeMCU, setting it as INPUT.
- In the Arduino code, read HIGH and LOW on D6 pin.
Will this work? Or is there a better way?
The overhead tank is about 30 - 40 feet away from NodeMCU. Will this work at that distance?
Sensor 2: I also have a water flow rate monitor using Hall effect. This sensor will also be used at 30 - 40 feet distance. How do I make the signals from the sensor travel that distance?