Recently started working on a new PCB board for a dev kit. I ran in an issue where I had made a custom part for the M50-3501042 2x10 male header with 0.05'' (1.27mm) pitch.
Note also that this is a through-hole component.
The issue I had was that I set the diameter of each of the pins in the custom package to 0.04'', however, when I imported the part into my PCB design, the pins on the board had increased in diameter and were overlapping with other pins giving DRC errors.
I updated the library and all the parts in Eagle, however, this did not fix my issue.
I have no idea on how to fix this issue. Any ideas?
EDIT: Okay so I tried the solution posted in the comment, however it did not work for me. Only the via holes on the board changed and not the pins on the custom part. I tried messing with some other DRC settings but haven't been able to come out with a solution yet.