The microprocessor on my board can switch off all the other components via an NPN transistor.
This means that I have the 3V3 line going from the processor to everything, a ground going from all the components to the transistor, then the transistor's emitter going to the processor's ground.
Which of the following should I have:
- A ground plane on either side of the transistor
- A power plane and a ground plane for the components' grounds to the transistor
- A power plane and a ground plane for transistor's ground back to the processor
Edit The schematic in question. The far left is an Adafruit GPS breakout. The center is a Feather M0 AdaLogger, Bottom left is an ms5611 altitude/temperature sensor, bottom right is an LSM9DS1 9-axis accelerometer breakout, top right is an NRF24L01 radio. The resistors, bottom-center, are a voltage divider that allow me to determine if the system is running on USB or battery, and the transistor/resistor at the top are, of course, the offending switching circuitry.