I am trying to sense mains with an ESP32. For that I plan to use this circuit:
I want to optimize the resistors from If current in order to lower the power (W) they use so they don't get hot.
According to the datasheet (page 43), the ESP32 has 45kΩ pull up resistors, so I was planning to use external 10kΩ to give it some margin.
I was trying to calculate what is the minimum If current I can use in order to use as little power as possible, to reduce waste and the resistors temperature since I will place this in a small PCB. Following this article, I searched for a high CTR bidirectional optocoupler (LDA210 datasheet) and tried to calculate the minimum If current needed:
Minimum If current for typical CTR calculation
My concerns:
This looks too tiny current to me, but I cannot find in the optocoupler (LDA210) datasheet any minimum forward current. Am I missing something?
Is the Input Control Current the minimum Input current or affecting the equations in any way?