I am trying to interface a micro-controller (LPC11C14) to a LCD. The LCD has Vih = 3.5V so I cannot directly connect the uC pin to the LCD. For this, I found a GTL2000 chip which looks like it might do the job. But here is the issue that i am not sure about.
I want bi-directional voltage translation because I want R/W facility with the LCD (for reading Status Read). I know that I can set the outputs of this CMOS microcontroller to open-drain, but I am not sure about the LCD (I don't think they are open drains). So I modified the bi-directional circuit shown in the datasheet to include resistors on the open drain side. The clamp resistors are calculated through specified formulas in the datasheet. GTL 2000 Example circuit
My question is this circuit likely to work?
Also, if I don't put the uC pins in open drain mode, I can remove the pull-up resistors on that side. Is that possible as well? The datasheet does not talk about standard GPIO behavior.
The LCD being is NHD-12864WG-BTGH-T#N, which has a Voh of 3.5V.