I wanted to test out making a circuit with a transistor. The way I understood transistors from online videos:
The transistor (using BC327, see below) needs a closed circuit from the positive terminal through a resistor (first I used a 200 ohm resistor, but I then feared it would burn the transistor, so I used a 4.7 kohm resistor) through the base → emitter of the transistor all the way to the negative terminal.
That should allow the current to pass from +Terminal+ → 200 ohm resistor → LED → transistor collector → transistor emitter → -Terminal-
I enclose the schematics I made beforehand and a few angles of the actual breadboard project. Do I understand the working of transistors wrong, or did I just connect something in a wrong way?
What are some additional tips to make my breadboarding look "better" or closer to any standards that there might be?