I need to supply an evaluation kit with 32 VDC ±10 % from a 48 VDC battery. The power supply of the kit is rated at 60 W with spikes at 150 W lasting 100 ms (it controls motors).
I have choosen the following DC/DC converter: RPA300E-4832S/N/H (RECOM Power). The datasheet can be found here, or the manufacturer's data sheet here.
Here is my schematics:
I do not use the Sense and Trim functions. CTRL needs to be tied to GND for the DC/DC converter to operate, otherwise it is in standby mode.
The DC/DC converter is soldered on a veroboard with the heat spreader facing up. I have not added any heat sink and I cannot use air flow from a ventilator.
What I observe seems strange to me:
- In standby mode, the DC/DC converter heats up a little: 35°C after 10 min. approximatively. It consumes around 30 mA.
- When it operates, with a small load of 1 kΩ (and even without load!), it consumes around 100 mA and it gets hot really quick: after some minutes it is at around 60°C.
I can't imagine how hot it will get when the kit will draw some amps from it over a longer period of time.
Do you think it is a normal behavior or is there something strange with it? Do you have any advice to handle the situation?