I'm making a "heated vest" Christmas gift for my wife by adding heating elements to a "fashionable" vest. I've done this for others in the past:
- Velcroed in this tiny power bank
- Micro USB to USB adapter
- Plugged into these heating pads which are sewn into the vest
The adapter (step 2) is bulky, so this time I:
- verified it was working
- severed the Micro USB cable and the USB cable
- both cables have only two wires, so I soldered them together
- it doesn't work :(
The USB has white and black wires. Micro USB has red and black. Initially I tried white-to-red, black-to-black. Didn't work. Switched them. Still didn't work. Bought a new battery & new cable, spliced them again - no luck. Both batteries were fully charged.
Is there some magic happening in the adapter that I could be missing? Any bright ideas?