I have a custom PCB using 50 ohm impedance antennas for GPS (1.575 GHz), GSM (2.4 GHz), and LoRa (868 MHz). Currently using an impedance matched board with matching track widths of 6 mil. One track goes through a capacitor (matching manufacturer's reference design). My U.fl connectors are VERY close to the pins on the RF chips, or in the case of the one with the capacitor, which is adjacent to the RF pin and U.fl connector on the other side. By "very close", I mean between 2 and 3 mm.
Since the RF pins are much wider than the impedance matched track anyway, and the capacitor pads are also wider, is there any actual benefit in using impedance matched tracks for these short lengths? Indeed, is it better to just match the width of the pins on the RF devices, all the way to the U.fl connector? I'm using a 4 layer design with layer 2 as the dedicated ground plane, 3 as power, and 1+4 as signals with no ground fills. All RF signals are on layer 1. I'm keeping all "noisy" signals well away from the RF side. I have tried to find some clarity on this but maybe missed something. My design seems to perform well for all 3 RF devices, but I'm always hoping to improve things if possible.