I want to draw by hand the Nyquist plot of an RC filter's transfer function. I do not want to use the "tricks" that help with building it faster (evaluating just some limits points) - I want to draw it using the usual plotting strategies. Specifically, I have x values (real part) and compute y values (imaginary part). Ultimately I want to use Desmos graphing calculator.
The imaginary part is $$-\frac{\omega RC}{(1+(\omega RC)^2}$$ and the real part is $$\frac{1}{1+(\omega RC)^2}$$ with \$\omega =2\pi f\$. I believe Nyquist plots plot the imaginary part of the transfer function with the real part as a variable. Hence, should I replace \$\omega\$ in the imaginary part with the real part, i.e., $$\mathrm{Im}(\omega) = -\mathrm{Re}(\omega) \times \frac{RC}{1+(\mathrm{Re}(\omega)RC)^2}$$?
I tried that, but the result in Desmos isn't similar to the Nyquist plot generated using Matlab or Maple.
This is what I get with Desmos:
and this is what it should look like:
How do I obtain the correct plot using "standard" function plotting techniques?