And again - in the case of using a bandpass filter, should it be after TL3 and C3 lines? What about the matching at the output in this case? Should it be after this filter or before?
As asked, this question is unanswerable because we would need to know everything about your design -- and then, we'd complain that you just want us to do your design for you.
The meta-question that goes with this is "how do I answer this question for myself?" The answer to that question is that you think up two or three ways that you might do it, you do "strawman" designs, and you evaluate each one. Then you choose the one that's best for your particular design effort. Next month you may design something at the same power level with the same part that uses a different scheme, because that's what makes sense for next month's design.
Note that this isn't an "advise to a beginner" thing -- this is what experienced designers do all the time. We do it with electronics, software, mechanical devices, etc. You name it -- if you can draw it down and analyze it for cost and fitness, you'll see engineers at every experience level doing exactly that to find the best approach.
I'm afraid that I will do something wrong.
If it works, it's right. If it works and doesn't blow your budget for parts, it's really right. If you build one and it blows up, you've just had a concrete learning experience*, so there's value to be had even if it doesn't work.
I suggest you try three things:
- A matching network to the nominal impedance of your output, followed by a bandpass filter.
- A bandpass filter, followed by a matching network.
- A bandpass filter that also matches impedance with the output (this is a thing; it's especially easy if your bandpass filter is fairly narrow, and it reduces component count at the cost of making the design harder to understand).
* Or at least a very smoky learning experience.
input impedance matching
then ask if it (the BPF)should be after the TL3 and C3 lines
and, of course, those components are related to the output. I'm confused. Then you don't say why you are trying to match and to what it is that you wish to match. More confusion. \$\endgroup\$