what is the best practice regarding the width of PCB tracks?
There are of course a few hard constraints :
- wide enough to keep voltage drop acceptable
- wide enough to prevent excessive heating
- at least as wide as the minimal width allowed by the manufacturer/manufacturing process chosen
- not wider than there is space on the PCB to route them
That gives a range, but often it is quite large, specially for low current tracks. So how best to chose within this "acceptable" range"?
There might be a few additional soft constraints :
- if one can avoid the smallest width everywhere, then it might be wise to do so (might be less expensive, or allow to switch more easily to another manufacturer with less precise process).
- for high current tracks, making them larger gives a lower resistance so a bit less energy loss (always nice)
But how to choose the width for signal tracks?
- always the minimal width
- always a little bit wider than the minimal width (to reduce the risk of defects on PCBs at manufacturing?)
- always as large as possible (once everything placed and routed, just increase the width of each track as much as possible)
- something else?
Well, basically, how to select the best track width when the hard constraints give a big range oof allowed widths?