Just to add a few more things to what fraxinus said:
Yes both antennas with the same gain and power would have about the same range, but the parabolic antenna will probably have greater bandwidth. Bandwidth is a key component of communication links that cannot be ignored.
It's also only feasible to design Yagi antennas to have up to about 9dB of gain, but parabolic antennas can have much higher gains.
Yagi antennas typically work best in frequency ranges from 3 MHz to 3 GHz. It's impractical to try to make them any bigger for lower frequencies or smaller for higher frequencies. In contrast, parabolic antennas are useful for frequencies in the GHz ranges. How many people put Yagi satellite TV antennas on their homes these days?
A yagi antenna will likely weigh very differently than a parabolic antenna with the same gain. It will also be very differently shaped which will affect how easily it can be mounted in different applications, and whether it can handle different stresses from wind and/or gravity.