I am using an LM2904 for my application.
One of the input voltages, the voltage at the negative terminal of the op-amp (Vin-), can vary from -400mV to 500 mV. However, the voltage at the positive terminal (Vin+) varies from 0 to 600 mV. The sensor producing these input voltages has differential outputs.
I am using a single supply of 5 V; the common-mode voltage of the op-amp is 0 to 3 V.
Do I need to consider common-mode voltage for both the inputs? How does common-mode voltage affect a differential amplifier?
one of the differential signals can vary from -400 mV to 500 mV.
Ambiguous, do you mean 'one of V1 or V2 varies to -0.4 V'? If so, that violates the most negative the amp will accept, -0.3 V in the Absolute Maximums section of the data sheet. Please use consistent language in your question, differential signals are very prone to being misunderstood. Better yet, post a schematic with voltages marked. \$\endgroup\$