I have a Stanley PPRH7DS battery charger that came originally with a 12 V, 19 Ah lead-acid battery. This battery has since given up the ghost and I am looking to replace it.
Last summer I constructed a battery box with 4 LiFePO4 batteries within it for the use with a trolling motor and other electrics on a small boat of mine and the idea occurred to me to swap out that lead-acid battery in the battery charger with a LiFePO4.
Some research seems to indicate that a Lithium-titanate battery would be better suited than LiFePO4 if I was doing this exchange for a vehicle, so I am curious if that would also apply in the case of the Stanley battery charger.
As I understand it, the Stanley battery charger and others like it "bleed" off a charge fairly quickly and need to be recharged every few months anyway, but I am not sure if that is due to the nature of the charger's design or because there is a lead-acid battery within. I bring this up because LiFePO4 do not like to be fully charged and sitting unused for long periods.
Any insight/clarification on this subject would be greatly appreciated.