I would like to measure, and ultimately control, the relative phase (and amplitude, but that's easier) of two microwave signals, one at \$f_0 \approx 1 \text{ GHz}\$ and one at \$f_n = n f_0\$, where \$n\$ is odd. By relative phase of these signals, I mean the phase difference between voltage maxima. So if the both have maxima at the same time, then the phase difference is 0. (Note that they will then have minima at the same time as well, because of the requirement that \$n\$ is odd.) A phase shift of \$\pi\$ will result in one being a minimum when the other is a maximum.
I'm not sure mixing them gets me anywhere, I just end up with another two signals of which I don't know the phases. I tried looking at phase detectors, but couldn't find anything for two different frequencies.
So how do I do this?
Power at \$f_0\$ will be around 0 dBm, and it's a \$50 \text{ }\Omega\$ system. Ideally I would like \$n\$ to go up to 19. I don't need my measurement bandwidth to be high at all.