I'm setting up a microwave transformer for the purpose of high-voltage woodburning
I'm trying to validate the output voltage that I'm getting before proceeding with the project. I'm measuring the output voltage with a multimeter and three 1 MΩ resistors in series. I'm measuring the voltage across one resistor since I'm expecting up to around 700 V, which is 300 V shy of the 1000 V limit of my multimeter.
Measuring the resistance of the two white wires, and the red wire, the two white wires have near 0 Ω resistances (assumed that's the secondary winding), and the resistance from the white wires to the red wire is around 1.5 MΩ.
When measuring the voltage across each possible wire combination, I'm only getting a maximum output voltage of 4.2 V (1.4 V per resistor, so 4.2 V in total). I don't understand why I'm not getting 700 V. I wonder if either my transformer is damaged, or if my primary and secondary windings are incorrect.
For reference, my input voltage is 120 VAC at 60 Hz.