I'm doing a "Snap Circuits" project which is supposed to demostrate that a mini DC motor can act as a generator and light an LED. Following the instructions provided, I made the following circuit. When SW1 is open, the LED turns. When SW1 is closed, the LED turns off. I think this is because when SW1 is closed, there is little resistance in the stationary DC Motor and so all the circuit current flows through the DC Motor and none through the Transistor. With SW1 closed, if I spin the DC motor shaft with my fingers, the LED flashes. According to the project instructions, the LED lights because the DC Motor is generating voltage when I spin the shaft. I don't think this is why the LED is flashing. If I turn the shaft very slowly my multimeter registers about 10mV being generated and the LED still flashes. It almost seems that when I slowly spin the DC motor shaft, the current through the DC Motor is being intermittently interrupted, and the circuit is behaving as if I've opened SW1. Can anyone shed any light on what is happening with this circuit? Thanks!
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
I tried to simplify the original "Snap Circuits" project design and maybe I did this incorrectly. Here's the original design: