I built a circuit based on the INA128 which for some reason heats up rapidly. The test setup is like the image below. The output is left unconnected, no input signal. I get around 550mV voltage drop on R6. With the Vref pin unconnected the voltage drop on R6 is 45-55mV so the IC doesn't heat as much.
At first I though I messed up with the Vref source so I modified the circuit like this but the result was the same. I tried this with two ICs and got the same result.
What am I doing wrong?
Edit 1: Both images replaced with hopefully more readable schematics.
Edit 2: Some more info. I intend to use this circuit in a little car audio experiment hence the requirement for single supply. The input signal is differential audio that is coupled through two capacitors to R7 (R15 second image) and R8 (R16 second image.) The purpose is to convert from differential input to single ended output with some gain (g = 10 in this case.) The coupling capacitors are not present both on the schematic and on the prototype board that I built. That is why it seems the inamp's input is just noise as @kruemi suggests. With just this minimal setup (no input signal, output unconnected, Vref present) somehow the inamp is drawing excessive current. I will try to check with an o-scope for any oscillation and post the results.
Edit 3: The output of the TL431 in all tests (with and without TL074 opamp / with and without INA128) is 6.104V. I did not observe any oscillation at Vref or Vo pin of INA128. Vo seems to be drifting between 6.6-6.8V regardless of any input signal except when I press the top of the IC with my finger to check temperature - then it goes to 5.5V. I tried increasing R6 (R14) from 10 to 100 ohm - current consumption reduced somewhat to 42mA. I also tried the prototype with a dual power supply (5V and 12V, Vref connected to midpoint.) The only difference is at +-12V the IC heats up faster.
Edit 4: I have ordered some new INA128 from a different vendor. Will update once they arrive.
Edit 5: After a long, long shipping time I finally received some new INAs. Everything works fine with these new ICs, no overheating issues. Its seems the ones I had before were all defective.