I am designing a board that has to carry up to 32 A of continuous current through it, and as such I need a cheap and compact method of permanently mating the 6 mm² wire to the PCB. Since I have very tight size constraints, I cant use big industrial connectors that would usually be used for such applications.
My idea is to simply do a through hole solder on both sides of the PCB. The entire PCB and including about 10 cm of the wire will also be completely submerged in thermally-conductive potting resin, which combined with a wire grommet, should prevent any force on the connection point, that could tear off the wire.
My question is how reliable is this form of contact or if there is a better solution to this problem that doesn't require bulky or expensive connectors?
I have also looked at press fit connectors as well but have not found enough information on how to actually use them and how they look like.