
I salvaged this LiPo battery from an old bluetooth speaker. I'm wondering how to properly test the connections to ensure I charge it correctly and how to wire it into the Arduino project I'm working on.

enter image description here

Battery Specs: 3.7V, 6,000mAh, 22.2Wh

It has a five pin connector: 2 x Red, 1 x White, 2 x Black.

I'm also sharing a picture of the board it was previously connected to. It looks to me like the contacts for each pair of red and black wires are soldered together.

enter image description here

Can I just treat this as a normal three pin LiPo connector? How best to determine what the white lead is for?


1 Answer 1


The battery is a 1S, so the white wire is likely a temperature sensor of some kind. The black and red pairs are almost certainly connected (although I don't know why they've done this).

Check with a multimeter but you will probably see that the backs are shorted together as are the reds, and there's 3.5-4.2V between red and black. In that case I would just ignore the white wire and treat it like a regular 1S.

It's possible there's some other circuitry in there but I doubt it.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you. That's what I was hoping to hear. I'm seeing almost exactly 3.7V on each combination of Red and Black. Same when I short black to black and red to red and test those together. \$\endgroup\$
    – octavegoat
    Commented Mar 11, 2022 at 19:30

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