I want to calculate the total supply current and power dissipation of an op amp in a non-inverting voltage follower configuration with a split supply:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
I know there are two components to the op amp's power consumption: quiescent current and current used to drive the output. The datasheet for the NJM4556A lists the quiescent current as ≤ 12 mA:
So for this portion I can easily calculate 24 V * 12 mA = 288 mW.
Now I'm struggling to calculate the additional current and corresponding power dissipation to drive the output, given a known input signal. For this purpose, let's say the input is a ground-referenced 1 kHz sine wave with an amplitude of ±5 V (10 VPP or ~3.54 VRMS). The power through (and dissipated by) R_LOAD
is then (3.54 VRMS)2 / 150 Ω = 83 mW. The output current is sinusoidal at ±33 mA (plus a negligible amount for the negative input bias current: 50 nA for this part, let's ignore it).
But the op amp's output stage can't be 100% efficient, and so will draw more current than this, with the extra power that doesn't reach the load dissipated in the op amp itself. How do I calculate this? Should I expect to find curves for this in the datasheet (there aren't any), or is there a formula based only on the output stage topology?
Related but not duplicate (or at least I'm too dumb to find my answer in):