
I'm using R2022a, in Simulink I can not find the Display tab to access Signals & Ports>Signal Dimensions. Could someone point me in the right direction please?. Also, in the figure below the dimensions are 5x1. The signals are 𝑥(𝑡) = 5 sin(2𝜋10𝑡), how was the 5x1 dimension determined by the program? What are the parameters that affect the signal dimension? Thanks in advance. enter image description here


1 Answer 1


The signals are 𝑥(𝑡) = 5 sin(2𝜋10𝑡), how was the 5x1 dimension determined by the program?

In MATLAB everything is a vector. If you try to write the following code

x = cos(2*pi*t);

MATLAB will complain, because it doesn't know what t is. You need to first define t as a vector (or a number) if you want to use it.

fs = 20;             %Define sampling frequency
t = 0:1/fs:2-1/fs;   %Create time vector with 1/fs increment
x = cos(2*pi*t);     %Create function vector from t

x and t have the same dimensions. You can find the dimensions of a vector using the size command. In my case, I get

>> size(t)

ans =

    1     40

because my t vector has 1 row and 40 columns. This is what a signal dimension in MATLAB is.

I can not find the Display tab to access Signals & Ports>Signal Dimensions. Could someone point me in the right direction please?

enter image description here


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