I have a sensor outputting a 0.8 - 5.0V signal, where this analog signal is read by a 16-bit ADC, the ADS115. The ADC is capable of reading the maximum 5V signal since I am powering the ADS with VIN = 5V.
My question arises on the I2C lines, where SDA and SCL and their associated logical signals that are communicating to the microcontroller, a STM32F411CE. I am using a breakout board, the Black Pill btw. I cannot understand the data sheet well enough of the STM32 to determine if it able to accept, what I presume the SDA & SCL signal of 5V(?).
Do I need a voltage divider for this or a logic level converter so the digital signal of the I2C bus is 3.3V or 5V OK?