I want to make equation that describe relation between vi and vc. I did it like this. Is this right way?
2 Answers
To help a little (check results of differential equations), here are pictures of the inductor current and the voltage across the capacitor ...
Values : L:= 1e-3 H: C:= 1e-6 F: r1:= 1 ohm : r2:= 100 Ohm: Vin:=step 1 V.
Well, using Laplace transform we can see that:
Where \$\alpha\space\text{||}\space\beta:=\frac{\alpha\beta}{\alpha+\beta}\$.
So, when we simplify we can write:
So, we get:
\$\begingroup\$ thx for fast answer but i don't know Laplace transform... what is that jw thing?? \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 27, 2022 at 10:11
\$\begingroup\$ j is i, sqrt(-1). It's an engineer thing. w is lowercase omega, angular frequency, f/2pi, basically f but more convenient to avoid pis popping up everywhere. Laplace transform is a way of solving many differential equ'ns by transforming your functions into others where doing differentiation maps to a simple algerbraic operation . A tool a bit like the way it makes more sense to think of response in terms of frequency than time-axis response in AC circuits (which is effectively looking at the Fourier transform). Doing the similar but different Laplace is useful for analysing filters. \$\endgroup\$– DannieCommented May 27, 2022 at 10:39
\$\begingroup\$ thanks for nice explanation @Dannie, in this circuit the input is not AC but DC square wave.... is it apply to both ac and dc? \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 27, 2022 at 11:26
\$\begingroup\$ "what is that jw thing??" Somewhat out of place here as this is a Laplace domain expression. It should be s, the complex frequency variable used in place of f or ω in Laplace expressions, so should read \$\frac{1}{sC}\$ \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 27, 2022 at 14:27