This approach is completely reasonable, and is the obvious way of analyzing such a system. The equivalency can be show algebraically by expanding out the equation.
The simplest way of showing this is to use a Laplace-transform. If you are unfamiliar with this transform, the only thing you need to to follow this is that it is linear, it is written as $$\mathcal{L}\{u(t)\},$$ and it transforms derivation to multiplication with the variable s.
You have the equation
\frac{d}{dt}X = AX + B
u_2(t) \\
Taking the Laplace-transform of each side yields
sX = AX + B
\mathcal{L}\{u_2(t)\} \\
Manipulating this algebraically, we can show that
X = (s\mathbb{I}-A)^{-1}B
\mathcal{L}\{u_2(t)\} \\
\end{bmatrix} = h(s)\begin{bmatrix}
\mathcal{L}\{u_2(t)\} \\
(where the funky "I" represents the identity matrix,and I have collected all the matrices into one function, h(s), which is called the transfer-function).
From here, we can separate the input signals into their two frequency-components:
X = h(s)\begin{bmatrix}
\mathcal{L}\{c_1 \cos(w_1 t) + c_2 \cos(w_2 t)\} \\
\mathcal{L}\{d_2 \cos(w_1 t) + d_2 \ cos(w_2 t)\} \\
\end{bmatrix} =
\mathcal{L}\{c_1 \cos(w_1 t)\} \\
\mathcal{L}\{d_2 \cos(w_1 t)\} \\
\end{bmatrix}+ h(s)\begin{bmatrix}
\mathcal{L}\{c_2 \cos(w_2 t)\} \\
\mathcal{L}\{d_2 \ cos(w_2 t)\} \\
Here we can see that X is now written as the sum of two parts:
X_1 = h(s)\begin{bmatrix}
\mathcal{L}\{c_1 \cos(w_1 t)\} \\
\mathcal{L}\{d_1 \ cos(w_1 t)\} \\
X_2 = h(s)\begin{bmatrix}
\mathcal{L}\{c_2 \cos(w_2 t)\} \\
\mathcal{L}\{d_2 \ cos(w_2 t)\} \\
Each of these can now be reverse-transformed back into the time-domain to give two systems that you can analyze separately:
X_n = h(s)
\mathcal{L}\{c_n \cos(w_n t)\} \\
\mathcal{L}\{d_n \ cos(w_n t)\} \\
\end{bmatrix} = (s\mathbb{I}-A)^{-1}B
\mathcal{L}\{c_n \cos(w_n t)\} \\
\mathcal{L}\{d_n \ cos(w_n t)\} \\
\implies sX_n = AX_n + B
\mathcal{L}\{c_n \cos(w_n t)\} \\
\mathcal{L}\{d_n \ cos(w_n t)\} \\
\implies \frac{d}{dt}X_n = AX_n + B
c_n \cos(w_n t) \\
d_n \ cos(w_n t) \\
and we can see that this is identical to your proposed partitioning.