I'm trying to process a sinusoidal signal into a square wave at frequencies above 1 MHz. This is my first time doing this so it doesn't work properly. If anyone can help with an explanation, I would greatly appreciate it.
This is the circuit:
According to datasheet this comparator should operate on frequencies upto 100 MHz.
At frequencies 1 MHz - 10 MHz everything seems to be fine.
The waveforms look like this:
The higher the frequency, the less the output on the comparator resembles a square wave:
This is how it should be, but I still want to ask for advice.
Am I doing everything right? How can I improve this circuit?
The comparator is designed for frequencies up to 100 MHz, but above 10 MHz the square wave begins to lose its shape.
The output of the comparator will be fed to the bipolar transistor.
The probe for the output is set to 10X, the probe for sine wave still in 1X poistion. Here are the udpdated screens:
Now it looks more realistic.