A wire has two states - 20A DC flowing or no current.
Is there a simple device/relay that can let 20A flow through it and close a switch?
The device must keep a path open when no current flows.
It must close the path when current (DC 20A) flows through it.
I used this ACS712 current sensor with a comparator and managed to detect when the current flows but it is too complicated and I feel there must be a more simpler way.
- Over current protection is already taken care of externally. The wire has either 20A or none.
- Hysteresis is not needed as we already have a big window (0-20A). If the switch closes when more than 1A flows through the wire, it is good.
- Switch controls a 5V supply and only 10-20 mA current flows.
- We're allowed to break the wire carrying 20A and put the device in series.
By simpler I mean minimum number of parts. Is there a device like a relay or something that lets 20A flow through it and closes a switch? It seems normal relays are controlled by 5V-12V DC voltage. I'm not able to find any relay that lets 20A control current flow through it and closes a switch
I want a high-side switch to control a 5V 10mA supply. The switch must close when DC 20A current flows through the wire.