I have modelled a band-pass filter, but when I calculate the cut off-frequencies and amplitude it does not match with the bode-plot. I am not able to find out what is wrong, hope that someone might help me out:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
(It has am opposite filter on the other side)
R1 = 1000
C1 = 100e-9
R2 = 22000
C2 = 33e-12
fc_low = 1/(2*np.pi*R1*C1)
fc_high = 1/(2*np.pi*R2*C2)
mag = -R2/R1
Fc_low = 1,6kHz, Fc_high = 219kHz, Magnitude= -22dB
When I plot the bode-diagram (using python control.bode, see code below) the cut-off frequencies and the magnitude becomes slightly higher than the calculated ones:
- tau_1 = R1*C1
- tau_2 = R2*C2
- tau_3 = R2*C1
G = control.tf([tau_3, 0],[tau_1*tau_2, (tau_1+tau_2), 1])
0.0022 s
7.26e-11 s^2 + 0.0001007 s + 1
mag, phase, omega = control.bode(G, dB=True, Hz=True, deg=True)
Bode-plot attached, but approx values are as follows: fc_low = 1,05 kHz, fc_high = 250 kHz, magnitude = 28 dB