(Note: I have found several other questions on a similar topic, but none of them address my specific issue.)
I have a lamp that is controlled by non-contact touch buttons. The user-facing surface is plastic with icons printed on it. When the user places his finger on the plastic, the touch is sensed capacitively by metal pads on the circuit board underneath:
I am attempting to add an alternative control method, by way of a microcontroller.
By connecting one of the IO pins of the microcontroller to one of the sense pads with a small (22pF) capacitor in series, I am able to trigger the pad by oscillating the IO pin.
My problem, however, is that this causes the touch pads to stop working in the normal way - or, at least, weakens them to the point that they can't be triggered through the plastic. If I touch the pad with a small screwdriver, it triggers. But it doesn't trigger capacitively anymore.
Adding a 10K resistor in series fixes the problem. But then the microcontroller can no longer control the device. If I change the resistor to 1K, the microcontroller can once again control the unit, but the touch pad stops working properly.
I seem to be in an "either-or" situation: I can either have the touch pad working, or I can have the microcontroller be able to control it.
Is there a way for both control methods to coexist? Perhaps by adding more components, or changing the value of the capacitor? I tried 100nF, but it just stopped everything working.