After downloading a model from, I deleted everything apart from what was between .MODEL and ), so I ended up with a xxx.txt file containing this:
+VERSION = 3.2 TNOM = 27 TOX = 1.0E-07
+VTH0 = 2.70 K1 = 3.86 K2 = -0.04
+NLX = 4.70E-07 DVT0 = 3.12 DVT1 = 0.09
+DVT2 = -0.01 U0 = 600 UA = 1.04E-10
+UB = 1.00E-21 VSAT = 1.84E06 A0 = 0.66
+AGS = 1.00 A1 = 0 A2 = 1
+RDSW = 9.00E05 PRWG = 0.0E00 WR = 0.92
+WINT = 0 LINT = -7.20E-08 VOFF = 0.00
+NFACTOR = 0.64 CIT = 0 CDSC = 2.40E-04
+CDSCD = 0 ETA0 = 0.14 DSUB = 0.96
+PCLM = 0.01 PDIBLC1 = 0.10 PDIBLC2 = 1.20E-03
+DROUT = 0.96 PSCBE1 = 1.00E11 PSCBE2 = 1.00E-05
+PVAG = 0.01 DELTA = 0.03 NGATE = 1.0E19
+CAPMOD = 3 XPART = 0.5 CGSO = 6.00E-11
+CGDO = 1.00E-10 CGBO = 0 CGSL = 0
+CGDL = 6.00E-09 CKAPPA = 1.20 CF = 0
+CLC = 3.0E-09 CLE = 0.8 DWC = 0
+DLC = -1.00E-06 NOFF = 3.66 VOFFCV = -0.40
+ACDE = 1.0 MOIN = 15 CJ = 2.00E-03
+MJ = 0.35 PB = 0.65 JS = 1.00E-03
+NJ = 1.30 XTI = 3.0 IJTH = 0
+KT1 = -0.6 UTE = -0.6 PRT = 3.00E06
+AT = 3.3E04 )
In Ltspice I used an .include statement for the xxx.txt file, added an nmos symbol with VALUE = 2SK4177. When I run the simulation, the model is accepted but the MOSFET current is just 50uA (not 100mA as expected and proven by a different MOSFET from the standard Ltspice library).
What is wrong? I wonder if the level 8 model works in Ltspice. If not, how can I change the model to make it work? I haven't found any other model for 2SK4177.