I designed a PCB which has a FE1.1s USB Hub controller. This project must work as a micro-USB HUB. The problem is that when I connect my device to computer, my board's LEDs turn on for a moment and everything goes off again. "device not recognized" error appears and says "A request for the USB device descriptor failed."
Before this I thought that because my usage is a simple BUS- Powered HUB I don't need to program the chip (or config device descriptor parameters) but now I think I should.
My question is: How to program it? What should Product ID and vendor ID be? Is there any kind of table for these? What kind of tools do I need for this process? Do I need to add an EEPROM to my design or is the programming just for the first time?
The attached file is my reference circuit and another schematic with some changes to make it bus powered and also the datasheet and errors.
It would be a great help if anyone guide me to solve this problem.