I made a Tesla coil, but it doesn't not work. I used this circuit:
I used 200 turns for the primary coil with 0.5 mm wire and 5 turns for the secondary coil with 1 mm wire on a wooden rod.
Back to the circuit: I don't have a 2N2222A transistor, so I used a TESLA T91 KF 508 321.
I think the problem is in the transistor, but I am not sure. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? Do I have to buy the right transistor?
I made another Tesla coil with a 2N2222A (yes, I bought it) and it still doesn't work!
The small coil has 2-3 turns 1 mm and the big coil 100 turns 0.5 mm.
I used a 9 V battery and when I started it, the transistor became very hot (I think I didn't destroy it, beacuse when I cooled it down and started it, it started and was still showing the diagnostic (It's down)). I used my multimeter.
Here are my diagnostics:
On the small coil I can measure some voltage, but only in AC multimeter mode.
On the big coil isn't any plasma and it's not turning on my LED. I even tried to touch it and still nothing.
My 9 V battery has 8 V, 0.3 A I think
So, am I cursed or what? I don't have an oscillator, but I heard about a program that lets you connect a PC to the circuit and it will show you the frequency.