I would like to switch 3 separate 60 V, 20 A fused loads on/off high side from an ATMEGA328P. It needs to be switched high side for 2 reasons,
I don't want live to have the potential to short to ground while off as ground is chassis.
The output plug only has 3 pins (48-57 V, GND, DATA) and data shares the same ground plane.
My circuit is likely to draw about 12 A per channel for a few hours at a time.
Attached is my testing in the circuit simulator before printing PCBs and wasting money can anyone point out where this may fail as I am confident there is lots i don't understand about MOSFETs.
I have selected P-chanel MOSFET NCE60P25K Datasheet though I have only put this to the test via simulation, I have just tried to fill in as many of the specks from the datasheet as possible in the simulator.
I'm not sure what value resistors are acceptable, I have tried to use high enough values to not waste power but still work.
Feedback would be much appreciated.
Edit: I have just noticed that the positive gate resistor is connected to VIN not VIN1, reality it would be much more practical to wire to VIN1 the same fuse as the respective power. would this make any difference or not matter.
Based on comments, would I be correct in saying that to drive a P-channel MOSFET at 60 V I would need to range BASE between 40 V and 60 V, NOT 0 V and 60 V? In this picture I have done it with a switch rather than a transistor but you should get what I mean.
Please can you explain as this is likely the missing knowledge I don't understand about MOSFETs.