I have an electret condenser from PUI Audio (https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/334/AOM-5024L-HD-R-1219369.pdf). The Vs is recommended to be 3V but my circuit and only supply maximum of 2.5V.
The suggested RL value is 2.2kOhm, but we are using 3kohm instead because it works better when we tested it (no sound clipping). From what I read, the electret condenser has an open drain FET inside of it. How do I figure out what the minimum voltage Vs could be for this to still be functioning correctly? I'm just unsure whether using 2.5V is sufficient when the recommended value is 3V.
The output impedance at 1kHz is 2.2kOhm. Does that mean it's the maximum impedance or is it just what the impedance is at 1kHz and that varies depending on the frequency? How would I know what the maximum impedance would be? At 1kHz, I assume the RL = 2.2kohm just forms a voltage divider of 1/2 ; therefore, the voltage at the output would just be Vs/2. So I should choose the RL such that the output voltage would be within the range of what my ADC requires for the input voltage.