I'm building a regulator based on the TPS63020 buck/boost converter, and I'd like to program a low-voltage shut-off. If I'm understanding it correctly, when VINA sees a falling voltage and it crosses 1.5 V, it should shut off the regulator until VINA recovers to above 1.7 V.
I want to shut the regulator off when the input voltage (from a battery) drops below 3.1 V to protect the battery from overdischarging. So I put a voltage divider between VIN and VINA and configured the resistors so that once VINA gets an output of 1.5 V and lower, it should shut off. The battery has a max. voltage of 4.2 V.
My math is shown below:
$$V_{\mathrm{INA}}=V_{\mathrm{IN(low)}}\cdot\frac{R_{\mathrm{upper}}}{R_{\mathrm{lower}}}\\ 1.5=3.1\cdot\frac{R_{\mathrm{upper}}}{560\ \mathrm k\Omega}\\ R_{\mathrm{upper}}\approx 270\ \mathrm k\Omega$$
The circuit schematic looks as follows:
Did I do this right? I know the TPS63070 would be better suited to my needs, but it's too expensive for my application as I need to build many of these converters.