I was trying to measure the voltage across two connectors that connect to a 3-pin, 13 A plug as part of troubleshooting, to verify I had circa 230 VAC present.
However, when I connected my multimeter to each terminal, it sparked and actually tripped my main electrical feed. It also melted some of the plastic around the connectors.
The plug socket is able to power my laptop and a fan (two devices I just had to hand to test the socket).
The two connectors definitely did not touch one another and were separated by quite some distance. I had them removed from the device I was trying to power and they were just floating in the air connected to my multimeter probes.
I can't figure out what or how this happened, and why other loads such as my laptop charger work just fine. The multimeter is rated for 600 VAC and was not put into any other mode. It's fine and suffered no damage.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I can't move on without solving this. I went through a different plug and fuse now and the same thing happened.