I'm not sure it's wise to build your product around a component that currently has lead times in excess of a year.. (Newark website).
For something like that Cortex M7 processor with >100 pins, I would probably start with a dev board (usually they're available at one price or another, and if they are not then it would certainly be worth considering whether the chips will be available when necessary for a professional application). It might be a somewhat more powerful micro than the likely eventual target, but that's not very important, the important thing is to get the firmware up and running on the hardware such as Ethernet, USB, LCD, sensors, various other communications interfaces and so on. So in this case, maybe the STM32F769I-DISCO, which is currently available off the shelf for a reasonable price. There's also an STM32F735 board. If you mostly need the double precision FPU + Cortex M7 core running at high speed, either should do you. It might be possible, as others have noted, to swap chips to a pin-compatible similar type. If you are in the electronics business you probably have a trusted local supplier to whom that job could be outsourced for a nominal fee.
At that point you're probably more concerned with the toolchain, external IP you might need like communications stacks, graphics libraries, RTOS, the available peripherals, debugging pods, and so on, than the minutia.
Of course if you're just needing a few connections to the chip, or if you're eager to uncover early whatever issues will arise with things that are not easily connected to a dev board nothing is stopping you from laying out a multilayer board and having it populated, and you'll have to do that eventually. However, I would suggest doing it in parallel with getting up to speed on the dev board, debugging tools and related software. That way if you plug the assembled board in and nothing good happens you'll have a way forward and you're likely weeks ahead of where you would otherwise be even if things go swimmingly. Often the same people are not doing both jobs. But don't do it to save money, it will not likely do that.