Filters lie in the domain of rational polynomials, that is, the transfer function is a ratio of the form:
$$ H = \frac{P}{Q} = \frac{p_n \omega^n + p_{n-1} \omega^{n-1} + \ldots + p_1 \omega + p_0}{q_n \omega^n + q_{n-1} \omega^{n-1} + \ldots + q_1 \omega + q_0} $$
When \$P = 1\$, we say the transfer function \$H\$ is "all pole" (a pole is a frequency \$\omega\$ where the denominator polynomial \$Q\$ has roots (zeroes)), which is typical of for example low-pass filters with plain L-C ladder topology. Which is typical for all types shown except Elliptic.
When we're designing a filter with analytical design methods, we're doing an approximation process. Approximation means, we could reduce the error between our desired response, and what we get, if we spent infinite effort doing it; but we're engineers, and we have to cut things short for time, cost and space reasons, so we truncate these approximations, leaving some tolerable error behind. That error manifests as some margin where passband is within some ~dB, or the interval between passband and stopband edges (e.g., say we need some 40dB attenuation by 1.5 fc), or how much stopband attenuation is required (minimum 40dB, 60, etc.?).
The most common situation is a flat passband spec, a flat minimum stopband attenuation spec, and some interval between the two (transition band). This is a roughly square or trapezoidal constraint, which curvy polynomials fit very badly into. How they fit, then, is a matter of what else we want to tune.
The standard filter types are optimized for certain specific goals. Butterworth targets maximal flatness (i.e., \$\frac{d^n H}{d\omega^n} = 0\$ at \$\omega \rightarrow 0\$, for a filter of order \$n\$). Bessel targets maximally-flat group delay (a much more difficult thing to express [I don't remember offhand, and explaining how to derive it would be even harder(!)], but suffice it to say, it gives the rounded profile seen in the plot). Chebyshev optimizes for sharpness of cutoff (note the second-steepest passband-stopband transition), at expense of passband flatness. Elliptic (Cauer) further sacrifices stopband attenuation (it doesn't have asymptotic attenuation i.e. attenuation increasing as 20\$n\$ dB/decade), which requires zeroes in the transfer function (non-unity \$P\$).
You can define your own filter types, not so easily in analytical terms (solving these polynominals is far from trivial, even with the pure constraints the standard types use!), but as a matter of hand-waving and tweaking parameters until enough curves look close enough for the purpose -- it's doable.
As for a less abstract explanation -- it suffices to know that, while one capacitor has response \$Z \sim 1/\omega\$, a row of them, alternating with inductors (\$ Z \sim \omega \$), as in the usual ladder network (shunt C, series L, etc.), can have peaks and valleys most anywhere you want. If the peaks and valleys line up on top of each other, you get a rounded response (like Butterworth). If staggered, you can get a passband ripple repsonse like Chebyshev or Elliptic. (If zeroes are present, they can likewise be staggered, giving a lumpy stopband as well.
...If you're not much of a mathematician as well as EE, maybe this won't land very well either. It may be technically adequate, but didactically, who knows.