I'm designing a board which is powered from 4-20 mA Hart loop. Only two wire.
Actually I had 19~20V due to the 250ohm resistor of the master side.
I would like to power two electronic stages 12V@4mA and 5V@50mA.
I was trying to use a buck converter to generate 12V in series with an LDO for the 5V to power a microcontroller, sensor and wireless solution.
By simulating the power stages, I saw that the input current is much higher than 20mA. By adding a bulk capacitor, it had been reduced but still > 20mA. I'm worried that will cause problems. I tried to use some dc dc converter like the TSM2405S from traco power and i was able to power the rest of the electronic but it was not a good solution because i got less than 5v in output because the input source is less than 24v. but it works and i did not lose the hart communication On the board there will not be any variation of the current. i need only the hart signal flying on the 4-20 mA loop
Is the architecture of the power stage good, or should I change the topology? What is the best way to get power from a 4-20mA loop?