I have some cheap TA12-100 current transformer boards with a built in 200 Ω burden resistor rated to measure up to 5 A.
I would like to set these up with an Arduino to monitor a 120 V AC outlet that will power loads up to 15 A.
I understand there will be no accuracy above the 5 A, but would it be safe to use over the rating for just detecting load presence?
The primary objective of this project is to simply measure when the outlet is powering a large load(electric saws/drills/shop tools) using the CT and subsequently close a relay to automate a dust vacuum system safely. Accuracy does not matter. However, it would be nice to output some ballpark power usage numbers just for the coolness factor.
Also, what is the best/cheapest option for my application that would allow precision measurement up to 240 V/50 A as well?
Additional details:
Turn ratio 1:1000
Data sheet: