While disassembling a little electric oven (rated for 1300W at 230V), I scavenged one of the heating elements inside, which I measured its resistance to be about 40 Ohms (let's call it Rload
Since it should be able to handle some power, I would like to use it as a "mild" load, for testing power supplies. For instance, let's say I have a 5V DC, 550 mA power supply (let's call it Ptest
): once connected, Rload
should draw around 125 mA, loading Ptest
a bit.
I have a Rockseed RS310P programmable power supply, on which I can set voltage and current up to 30V and 10A (let's call it Pvar
). I thought about connecting Pvar
and Ptest
in series with Rload
, like this:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
My idea is that, by setting the current limit of Pvar
, the PSU will act as a constant current source and it will adjust its voltage to whatever is needed to mantain that current. The current will cause a certain voltage drop (Vload
) at the load, and given that Vload
must be equal to Vtest + Vvar
, Pvar
will adjust its voltage to be Vvar = Vload - Vtest
For instance, given the current limit Iset = 250 mA
, Vload = Iset * Rload = 10V
, Vvar = Vload - Vtest = 5V
: in order for 250 mA to flow through Rload
, Vvar
must be 5V. But, since everything is connected in series, this means that 250 mA are flowing through Ptest
aswell, which is the effect I'm interested about: from Ptest
point of view, it should be like a load which is drawing 250 mA.
Thus, setting the current limit could drive this makeshift "variable load" within a certain range: in this case, I should be able to go from a little above 125 mA up to 875 mA (by setting Vvar
to 30 V, which means Vload = Vtest + Vvar = 35 V
I know proper variable loads exist, but I would like to know if this could really work: theoretically it should, although I don't know much about power supply topologies (except really simple unregulated ones) so I'm not sure about practical pitfalls or even safety hazards involved.
How about connecting a battery instead of a power supply as test source? It should discharge the battery at a specific current.