I playing with JFET Common Source amplifier with feedback loop. I am simulating the design showed here. https://www.ti.com/lit/an/slpa018/slpa018.pdf?ts=1669662908797&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252F
I followed the steps for feedback stability analysis (breaking the loop, inserting the inductor and cap etc.) I get from simulator the same results as are presented in the paper. What I am not sure about is phase margin evaluation. The phase of the circuit starts at -90 deg and at point when gain is 0 is -266 deg. I thought that the phase margin of this circuit is than just 4 degree (-266 + 90 = -176, 4 degree to -180). They are claiming that the phase margin of the circuit is 87.4 deg (page 8 in attached paper).
Could me someone explain what is right phase margin of the circuit and what is proper calculation?
Standard schematic
Stability analysis schematic