I am attempting to use a prototype 2 cell Li-ion battery charger, but the charger appears to be overheating. The charger uses a monolithic power MP2672GD IC as its basis battery charger IC. Circuit was taken from datasheet.
When I activate it the STAT and ACOK lights are solid and the battery appears to be charging. But after about 1min the 5V LDO supplying the battery management IC heats up quite a bit and so does the battery management IC. Then the STAT and ACOK light start blinking in together.
This seems like excessive current draw, but the main power supply at 14V is reading pretty steady at about 1.1A and without this portion of the circuit, it normally draws about 0.15A. The LDO IC101 has a huge ground pad and the ground plane is around it although the spokes are pretty thin, but why is it overheating so fast? Also this board is overkill and has 4 layers all of which have ground planes where no traces are. The layer directly underneath the top layer is an unbroken ground plane.
The circuit is below, the only thing I have changed is removed the P MOSFETs Q103 and Q104. With these it seemed like the IC was having difficulty detecting the battery. The battery is located at the top left of the PCB (the 3 prong connection) and the very right of the schematic drawing.
Does anyone know how my charger could be pulling only about 1A from 14V supply and still overheating?