I need to replace a fan (DC, Blower, 60x60x23mm) but the replacement unit I got (Delta AUB0712HH-C) came with the wires unfinished, which I'm aware is likely standard procedure but was news to me. And with that development I am officially out of my depths.
There are so many similar looking (Molex PicoBlade?) connectors I can't find an exact match and all of my local repair shops are no help until I find the connector. I'm finding it is very hard to find when you don't really know what you are asking for...
I've attached pictures along with some scale elements. The female portion is ~3mm W x ~4mm L x 2mm D (where D is the thickness of the plug; and L is the length of the portion that is inserted) and there the measurements of all 3 dimensions would be slightly larger if measuring the crown that sits atop the portion that is inserted... I see a lot of connectors listed by a single measurement (in mm) but which one is it?
Any additional pictures needed, please just let me know. And thank you so much.
And this is how the wires were finished; they went into the end pictured in the above photo lineup (bottom, center).
And THIS is the proper header... sorry, ladies and gentlemen.