I've designed and built a circuit to PWM an LED strip from an ESP8266. I'm using the IRFZ44N for this as its \$V_{gs(th)}\$ is between 2V and 4V and has a low \$R_{DS(on)}\$. Everything seems to work, although the LED strip is very very faint; I would estimate somewhere around 5% of what I would expect.
Below is my schematic and screen captures from my oscilloscope. The reading at TP3 is where I believe the problem is visible, though I don't know why this is the case.
If I connect TP3 directly to ground I get the full brightness I'm expecting, so the strip works correctly.
One other possibly noteworthy point: The LED strip has a smattering of built in resistors (150\$\Omega\$, IIRC, but I don't know how that's all connected).
Researching other schematics show similar wiring, so I'm unsure where I've gone wrong. Any insight into what the issue may be would be greatly appreciated.
TP1 (11.4V coming from the power supply; looks good to me):
TP4 (5.4V coming from the buck converter; looks good to me):
TP2 (3.68V PWM signal going to the gate of the MOSFET; looks good to me):
TP3 (I was expecting 11.4V max, 0V min here; doesn't look good to me):