I have an ESP32 dev board which doesn't boot (The chip itself is marked as "ESP32 WROOM-32"). I've played with compiling Micropython and trying to flash it, and probably did something wrong.. I mostly want to recover "factory image" now...
When I connect it to power, the on-board led will blink (somewhat dimmed, not fully on) and nothing happens. If I press BOOT/RST it doesn't do anything. esptool.py
seems to work and allows me to erase/read/write flash memory or get chip/flash information. When I try to connect with rshell
, I see the Trying to connect to REPL ...
message which eventually ends up with No MicroPython boards connected
For recovery, I tried taking the fresh Micropython image from the website and write at address 0x10000
and that didn't work. I also tried to clone a working ESP32 (same dev board) using read_flash
from 0x00
to 0x100000
and then flash it from 0x00
and this still doesn't help. I also tried to download various images, including bootloaders and whatnot..
Can anyone give me a hint for what to do? For now - I just want it to run a plain Micropython. Any ideas for what could it be that I did wrong will be greatly appreciated for the next time I try to flash a custom version...
Update (thanks @jcaron):
This is the dev-board: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001636295529.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.order_detail_item.5.3f57f19crgN9i6 (ESP32 -38 pin).
No jumpers on board (at least nothing that I had to place/solder). I'm using the on-board micro-usb connector. I'm not sure what DFU mode is, but I sometimes have to play with the BOOT button in order for esptool to work, I'm not sure how comes it's only "sometimes"...)