I have a sensor that generates an analog 0-3 V output signal. I would like to connect this sensor to a PLC which has only 0-10 V analog inputs.
My questions are:
- Is this recommended to do in general? I guess that I will lose a lot of resolution (70% of it), and this could affect my application requirements.
- Is there any other way to add something in between in order to convert the 0-3 V signal to 0-10 V signal?
- Related with point #1, how do I calculate the resolution of the 0-3V signal? my sensor specifications only talk about accuracy but not resolution. This is a ph sensor that can measure from 0 to 14 ph, and has an accuracy of 0.1. The PLC has 10 bit ADC for the inputs (Arduino Mega based).
The PLC is being feed by a 24 V DC power supply. This power supply has two outputs and one is not being used right now.