I have got a few Hall-effect sensors, the VF460S from Honeywell.
Now I try to make a circuit using a microcontroller Raspberry Pi Pico to read the output. I have connected V-supply pin to 3v3 gpio, Ground pin to ground on the microcontroller and the output-pin to a gpio pin that is configured to be a digital-input pin.
I don't get any result from Hall-effect sensor to the digital-input on the microcontroller (it should turn off a LED, in my program), when I put a strong neodymium-magnet nearby the sensor.
I am new to electronics, and perhaps I have misunderstood the datasheet or a wrong type of sensor.
I have also tried with a different Hall-effect sensor from the same bag. From what I understood, this sensor should work with 3v3 V-supply. I also tried to replace the sensor V-supply and Ground pin, with a LED, temporary and it did turn-on.
Is there anything I have misunderstood with the usage of the digital hall-effect latch sensor VF46S? Is there any other way to test it?